
Check your inbox

I sent you a video tutorial,

the missive began…

I noticed you were struggling

With tech today

I found a work-around

the kind student continued…

I thought it would be easier 

to show you,

rather than tell you

my heart gladdened…

We all need a little direction

every now and then

he concluded.

No matter what this pandemic 

has thrown at students…

kindness and humanity 

shine through

every. single. day.

I thank heaven for my students.

*Photo by youssef naddam on Unsplash

6 thoughts on “Humanity

  1. What a sweet story! Your student sounds like a gem! I love this stanza: “No matter what this pandemic /has thrown at students/kindness and humanity/shine through/every. single. day.” It’s so true that they’re there, if only we notice them.


  2. What a lovely, heartwarming story! I loved hearing this from a student when my mind was already banking on “colleague.” “We all need a little direction

    every now and then” says so much about the student and your relationship in which such an exchange is possible.


  3. MJ Strong says:

    That is awesome that your student was so thoughtful to help you in such a kind way. You must have a strong bond! We all have to work together in all of this craziness!


  4. I am so glad you documented this act of kindness during the pandemic. This slice shows so much about that student. Sure, they get tech. But they also got into your shoes and felt your frustration and then took time to synthesize it into a solution and then took time to send it to you in a way you could comprehend. As Cindy says, these kids are learning some pretty amazing skiils.


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