
“My flight’s on time!”

Four states and 700 miles away,
my husband’s voice
rises through the line.

“I’ll be there waiting!

Married for thirty-three years,
the buzz of anticipation
still shimmers.

A quiet morning
walking the dogs,
reading essays,
sipping coffee,
turns technicolor.

Over lunch
at our local watering hole,
we discuss sports,
family, travel ahead.
Ordinary conversations
elevated by the absence.

As humans,
we each walk the world
on our own map.
How delicious,
how lucky,
when maps align.

3 thoughts on “Anticipation

  1. Anonymous says:

    Another winner! I absolutely love how you show that even after many years of marriage, love still shimmers and excitement flutters.

    Hope you shared this poem with your guy!


  2. This is so lovely. I particularly like the verse where a quiet morning turns technicolor. This poem captures your relationship so well. Yes to “how lucky when maps align.”


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