A View from the Student Seats

Professor picking out student for an answer in lecture room

I am currently completing a second graduate degree. As a result, I spend one or more nights a week seeing the world through student eyes.

I feel my students’ pain when assignments pile up or the timeline for task completion is short. What’s more, I cringe when I do not have mentor texts to guide or inspire my work.

I have started to keep a list of reminders when I plan writing assignments. A few of my favorites include:

  • have a set of mentor texts ready to go
  • set up a padlet so students can crowdsource research
  • provide frequent opportunities for students to talk about the work
  • rather than whole graphic organizers (that can sometimes limit student creativity or hamstring writers), offer frames for part of the work (a thesis frame or an opening or closing)
  • create a list of potential student questions and answer them with a FAQ document
  • use exit tickets for students to privately raise concerns or ask for help
  • create resource folders with writing tools (lists of transition words, writing checklists)

Writing is hard. As a student, I stay up late working on  papers. I am thankful for each and every tool my teachers provide to help me produce my best work.

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4 thoughts on “A View from the Student Seats

  1. mrssurridge says:

    Getting my masters and my National Board Certification helped me connect to my students in new ways. I remember being so overwhelmed when I had to struggle through something. Now when I see a students begin to get emotional because of the “struggle” I just hug them close and let them cry. I totally “get it”.


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