Student Slices


I encouraged my 8th grade students to join me in “slicing” during the month of March. But, late in the school year life can be stressful. I was uncertain if any students would jump on board.

Last Sunday morning, with coffee in hand, I popped into our class blog to see if any students had accepted the challenge. My heart soared when I saw a number of posts from students. Each writer selected beautiful, meaningful images to herald his or her post.  What’s more, the slices were true to the intention of the Slice of Life challenge. Students wrote about moments from the day: a storm, homework, volleyball practice, a doctor’s appointment.

Thanks to a wonderful teacher, Sally Donnelly, we all have SOLSC calendars and I have provided stickers so students can track their participation. Each day more students are joining the writing brigade. Our writing community is knit tighter daily as slice upon slice add up to a delectable pie.

7 thoughts on “Student Slices

  1. Liz Majino says:

    I, too, have 8th graders slicing. I am still amazed by the motivation and joy a sticker chart can still bring to young writers! I wish you the best as you and your students continue to slice!


  2. You couldn’t have picked a better slice of pie! It made my mouth water! It’s so great that your students are writing! I look forward to meeting you at Sally’s!


  3. If only we could make slicing a central part of our curriculum. A sample state objective would read like this: Students will slice the heck out of their lives from September through June.


  4. mrssurridge says:

    Each slice written by our students feels like a feather in our cap. I’m always so excited to check my blog to see who is writing. Yesterday, one of my students who isn’t that excited about writing workshop wrote an entire slice about is dishwasher. I had nothing to do with it, but I sure felt proud.


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